What I found on my walk this week...

What I found on my walk this week...

Posted by Cindy Battisti on 10 12 2018

So one night this week I was taking my daily walk and there was this lovely musical “tiiing” and I saw something flick along by my foot….

It was a bent nail.

I immediately thought of Luciano Pavarotti who always looked for a bent nail backstage to carry in his pocket as a good luck charm!

So I took it as a sign- good luck is on the way!

The wry part of my brain that possibly comes from my paternal Grandmother said “yeah- the good luck was that thing didn’t puncture your foot!”

But..I’ll keep the hope for something a little more--Thanks Luciano!

To read more about Pavarotti and bent nails,  Click here

Click to hear Luciano tell a really funny story


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